2025 Jack Warner ParkwayTuscaloosa, AL 35401Contact:Jill
Phone:(205) 759-2497
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings.
Celebrate Recovery
5 Locations in AreaTuscaloosa, AL 35401Contact:WAW Navigator will Respond
Phone:(205) 735-9675
Treatment for Alcoholism, Opioid Addiction, and Substance Abuse. Outpatient Mental Health or Drug Rehabs, 12-Step Programs (AA, NA, CA, DRA, SLAA, GA), and Aftercare Support. Family Therapy and Group Therapy.
Drug Rehab Tuscaloosa
Multiple Locations for TreatmentTuscaloosa, AlabamaPhone:(205) 208-1181
DRT can help you find the best drug or alcohol treatment option for you. They work with 9 different inpatient, outpatient, and residential facilities.
Indian Rivers Mental Health Center
2209 9th StreetTuscaloosa, AL 35401Phone:(205) 391-3131
Adult Outpatient Treatment, Crisis Stabilization Unit, Mental Health Court Team, Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) Program, Mental Health Treatment and Resources, Child and Family Outpatient Treatment, Juvenile Court Liaison, Child and Family Resources, Substance Abuse Services, and Services for People with Developmental Disabilities.
Phoenix House
700 35th AvenueTuscaloosa, AL 35401Contact:Intake Coordinator
Phone:(205) 758-3867
Inpatient Treatment for individuals suffering from addiction: 12-step groups, group and individual counseling, basic life skills, job readiness skills, case management, and tools for long-term recovery.